
What people are saying about their Biogeometry experience

I know from being around my family and all their cell phones this last Sunday that the EMF exposure takes a toll on my nervous system. When I got home I just really had to focus on down regulating. I was reminded of how I used to feel all the time. Our home is a safe place and I am so very grateful for the work you do!

I have better energy. When I sit down to read in the afternoon I no longer fall asleep and sleep for 2 hours!

Although we had lived in our house for over fourteen years, we felt unsettled, and were never quite at home. Since Ann did a home harmonization, the ambient coarseness in the home has smoothed out. I’m experiencing more ease, feeling rested, making strides in personal growth and mindfulness, and enjoying my family more.

Biogeometry is a fascinating healing modality and Ann is a highly
skilled Biogeometry practitioner. It’s near impossible to find EMF
harmonization strategies that have the level of research backing it
that Biogeometry has.  We’ve had Ann harmonize our home, phones, car and computers.
Ann is so easy to work with and very knowledgeable
about her work. I’d highly recommend Biogeometry and working with Ann.