Q: What is BG3?
A: BG3 is the one harmonizing quality at the center of all energy systems. BG3 is the energy quality found in all sacred power spots where ancient peoples built temples, healing springs, megalithic structures, and cathedrals. These structures were built in such a way so that they amplified and distributed the life-giving BG3.
BG3 is found in the healthy body in the chakra system.
Q: How does the Biogeometry Practitioner create BG3 in the home?
A: The Practitioner does not “create” BG3. BG3 is everywhere but only manifests under certain conditions. Using Practitioner tools and training the Practitioner creates these conditions. This opens doorways for BG3 to continuously overflow into the home.
Q: What problems does the Home Harmonization correct?
A: Biogeometry balances all aspects of the energy flow in the home. This includes building materials, design elements, harmful earth gridlines [geopathic stress], water vitality and EMFs.
Q: What are EMFs?
A: EMF stands for electromagnetic frequency. This is the invisible energy radiation that comes from Wifi routers, cell towers, smart meters and all electronic devices.
These are man-made energy signatures that are not harmonized with natural energy systems and thus interfere with healthy information exchange in the natural world. This results in suboptimal functioning of our bodies and contributes to disease.
Biogeometry literally harmonizes the harmful signals and reverses their effect rendering them beneficial to humans, plants and animals.
Q: What are “harmful earth gridlines”?
A: Also known as Hartman and Curry lines, these are networks of energy about 5 inches wide that crisscross the planet to form grids that extends into the earth and radiates upwards as well.
These have been shown to produce health problems, including cancers. They are of particular concern when they cross your bed where you are exposed for 6 to 8 hours per day.
An essential objective of the Home Harmonization is to identify and “correct” these grids so that they emanate beneficial energy signatures.
Q: What does a Home Harmonization Cost?
A: The cost is dependent on the size and layout of the home and property.  As an example, a 2000 sf home with one floor [no basement] 3 bedrooms and 2 exterior doors on a city lot would cost around $1800. There may be a need to address special problems or circumstances which may require additional tools and costs.  Larger homes or additional buildings [ mother-in-law quarters or offices], or large properties would require additional cost.
An affordable alternative is an “Introductory Level Service”. This is $600 [for the property described above\ and entails a partial harmonization supplemented with layered harmonization of areas of high concern such as smart meters, Wifi and exterior doorways. I can expand, deepen and add to this in the future.                                                                                                                                     Travel expenses are another consideration that will need to be addressed.

Q: Why does it cost more than harmonizing devices I see on the internet?
A: Biogeometry Environmental Home Service has taken years of careful research and analysis to develop. Biogeometry is the ONLY harmonizing method that produces astounding health improvement over large geographical areas. This has been carefully documented by scientific studies undertaken by the Swiss government [ the Hemberg Study].
Biogeometry balances ALL energy systems in your home including EMF, gridlines, artificial materials, and design elements.
The specialized tools require professional training to be effectively installed, are tailored to your home and are only available to Biogeometry Practitioners.
Do the plug and play tools come with such extensive research? What “reach” do they have in your home [if they work at all]?
Q: How long does the work take?
A: The full harmonization takes a full day for an average sized home.
The Introductory Service takes several hours.
Q: What do the installed tools look like?
A: Some are discs about the size of a half dollar.
Others are elegantly shaped figures about 8 inches tall.
Still others are 3 inches by ½ inches strips.
Are all made of plexiglass.
Q: How are the tools installed?
A: The tools are installed permanently based on hundreds of measurements unique to your home.
The adhesive varies from double sided tape to superglue.
If the tools are dislodged, they are no longer effective.
Some of the tools can be removed for cleaning, painting or moving house.
When you do repaint, please cover the small, permanently- installed tools with masking tape. These are usually placed near the floor or under a shelf, so not very noticeable.

What benefits would I expect from your services when you apply Biogeometry tools in my home?

Answer; With the Biogeometry tools and skills that I am licensed to provide, the energy systems in your home will be harmonious and thus many problems in the physical, emotional, mental and even spiritual realms will improve. People often report better sleep, improved physical comfort, and more harmonious family relations. Most individuals with EMF sensitivity issues will notice vast improvement.