

Biogeometry is the study and application of the effects of shape, sound and color on humans, plants, animals and other energy systems.

We humans have a limited range of the perception of our five senses. We perceive only a small portion of the totality of information that exists. Our pets can hear sound vibrations that we cannot. We have recently developed instruments that can detect ultraviolet and infrared light although our eyes cannot. In addition, we know that we are surrounded by waves of information of all types that we are unable to access until we turn on a device that can decode the energy signals into sights and sounds that we can perceive.

Biogeometry is a patented science that uses the inherent energy of shapes, sounds and color to access energy systems beyond our perceptive range. This access is achieved through the scientific principles of resonance and harmonics using specially designed instruments [pendulums] and tools [mostly 2-D and 3-D shape detect and harmonize environmental stresses with our biological systems.

For more detailed information about Biogeometry including the historical roots of the science and about Dr. Ibrahim Karim, the father of Biogeometry, please visit the main website.